Two Choices Everyday BahramGour, 2015-09-022015-09-02 I went for a lovely leisurely stroll the other day in the beautiful Richmond Hill area of London. Having finished my business meetings and phone calls for the day, I had some time to take some photos, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and to think and reflect. The previous day I had experienced quiet a few ups and downs and was not in the best mood, and this continued into the early part of my day. As I thought more and more about my mood, the following ideas came out that I wanted to share them with you here in hopes that it inspires you too. “When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It’s all a matter of perspective.” Harvey Mackay. Everyday, like Harvey Mackay, I make a conscious choice to be an optimist. I am blessed with a wonderful family and amazing group of friends. But I have to be honest, the icing on the cake for me is my profession. I love what I do. Through my work as an Entrepreneur, and my even larger work ethic and passionate nature, I am able to forge forward. I have the ability to reach and help people from different backgrounds and lifestyles, and this is a source of much joy in my life. I hope that we may all gain and retain optimistic perspectives throughout our lives and to use those to help others as we also continue to better ourselves. What do you tell yourself when you are in a bad mood? What choices do you make? What is the icing on the cake for you? Is it your family, your profession, a hobby? I would love to hear from you all and learn more about what inspires and motivates you. Please leave me a comment below. I will be traveling the rest of this week for business and for pleasure but look forward to reading your comments. Inspiration